Can You Repair Rockchip Curb Rash Road Damage To An Audi A3 Wheels?

In our (humble but accurate) opinion, Audi manufactures one of the most elegant and classy wheel designs available, high-performance or no. Any kind of damage to these glorious examples of vehicular wizardry saddens our 5-liter, 4-valve, single-piston hearts. But all hope is not lost! The professionals at Salt City Wheels are old hands (with young hands) at restoring a rashly-curbed Audi A3’s wheel to its former glory. 

One of the most common ways to damage the finish of your Audi A3's wheels is to brush up against a curb or some other hard and unwieldy surface, resulting in what has been (somewhat snappily) titled ‘curb rash.’ This rather nasty rash-like effect scrapes the finish off the outer edge of the wheel and usually causes damage to the underlying metal as well. Damage can also result from scrapes across the spokes and damage from improper use of mounting machines or torque wrenches. 

‘Touching up’ damage like this simply isn’t practical, as you will be able to see a very obvious difference between the original finish and the touched-up area. With time, this will also allow corrosion to start eating at the metal. As if this weren’t enough of a horror story, aluminum alloy that has been exposed to air starts to corrode almost immediately. Even this microscopic layer of corrosion is enough to prevent the most well-meaning attempt at a touch-up from sticking properly.

If you’ve curbed your Audi A3’s gorgeous wheels somewhat rashly and need a dedicated art restoration project for them, give the experts at Salt City Wheels a call today at 801 425 3044. We’ll have your A3’s wheels refinished and restored to their former glory faster than you can say ‘computer numeric control lathe’!