Can Salt-Damaged Wheels Be Refinished?

Living in or visiting Salt Lake City, Utah, brings breathtaking mountain views and a plethora of outdoor activities. However, the winter months also herald the not-so-pleasant side effect of road salt. While salt is essential for keeping our gorgeous mountain roads safe during icy conditions, it can wreak havoc on your vehicle, especially your wheels.

If you've noticed salt damage on your wheels, don't panic! Let’s discuss if it’s even possible to salvage and refinish salt-damaged wheels and how Salt City Wheels in Salt Lake City is ready to come to your rescue.

Understanding Salt Damage

Understanding how road salt can affect your wheels can help you understand the options available to you and how best to get your wheels sorted.

Road salt, used to melt snow and ice on the roads, contains corrosive elements that can accelerate the formation of rust and other forms of corrosion on your wheels. This is particularly problematic in regions with harsh winter conditions like Salt Lake City, Park City, Draper, and Lehi.

Signs of Salt Damage

Identifying salt damage early is crucial to prevent further deterioration of your wheels. Look out for signs like visible rust, pitting, discoloration, and a rough or uneven texture on the wheel's surface.

If left untreated, salt damage can compromise the structural integrity of the wheels, leading to more severe issues. No one wants to be flying round the corner of a mountain, only to have their wheel come flying off!

Refinishing Wheels

Now, let's address the burning question: Can salt-damaged wheels be refinished? The answer is a resounding Yes!

Wheel refinishing is a specialized process that involves restoring the appearance and functionality of damaged wheels. A solid wheel repair company in Salt Lake City will typically follow these steps:

  1. Assessment: The first step is a thorough assessment of the extent of the salt damage. This helps our wheel experts determine the appropriate refinishing approach. We will always tell you up-front if your wheel is unsafe to repair and needs replacing first.

  2. Wheel Stripping: The damaged wheels are stripped of their existing finish, removing any rust, corrosion, or other contaminants. This step is crucial for achieving a clean and smooth surface for the refinishing process.

  3. Priming: A high-quality primer is applied to the prepared surface to enhance adhesion and provide a base for the final finish.

  4. Painting: Your wheels will then be painted, using the color and finish of your choice. This strong paint layer will give your wheel extra durability and protection against future damage. This is particularly effective in creating a resilient barrier against corrosive elements like road salt.

  5. Curing: The freshly-painted wheels are cured in a controlled environment, ensuring that the finish adheres properly and achieves optimal durability.

  6. Sealing: Your wheels will be sealed with a final coat, creating a tough yet beautiful finish that will protect your wheels for many mountain roads to come.

Salt damage need not spell doom for your wheels or your vehicle. With their decades of combined experience and skill, Salt City Wheels will help you restore your wheels to their former glory in no time. Refinishing your wheels not only improves their appearance but also extends their lifespan, ensuring a safer and smoother ride through the stunning streets of Salt Lake City.

Remember, fast action is vital to the integrity of your wheels and your vehicle, so reach out to Salt City Wheels as soon as you notice signs of salt damage. Give us a call today at 801-425-3044.